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Private Drum Lessons for All ages

Proudly teaching students in Jackson Township & Massillon, OH


Percussion Lessons
Percussion Lessons for Young Adults

Our drum lessons are not only informative and challenging but are also fun and rewarding. In order to create the most stimulating percussion lessons, our teachers utilize a diverse curriculum of repertoire, music games, as well as technology in their lessons.

We have in our lesson facility, a 1920 Deagon Xylorimba, a full drum set, and various world hand drums. Our teachers enjoy coaching middle school and high school students on their marching band and concert band repertoire as well as working on diverse styles such as rock and jazz.

We also offer stimulating workshops, activities, and performance classes for students so they can enjoy learning new things or reviewing fundamentals in a fun setting with peer support. Our workshops allow us to teach music theory, rhythm, and ear training in a fun, game-like manner for the younger students and sometimes in a more serious manner for the older student.